Aditya Kulkarni

XD Strategist at CGIG,

Aditya Kulkarni

Experience Design Strategist with over 7 years of strong professional experience. Strategized and articulated business problems into result oriented XD solutions for clients. Extensive experience crafting customer journey maps, service blueprinting, conducting user research, information architecture and interaction design for digital touch points. Strong experience executing end-to-end XD projects by applying conventional as well as Lean XD approaches. Led design teams through XD phases to ensure right articulation of the problem space into solution delivery. As consulting and advisory, assessed existing digital touch-point state through Customer Experience (CX) gap analysis. Conducted journey mapping exercise with detailed planning and execution of cross-channel, multi-touch point experience journey maps. Based on defined customer journeys, extracted touch-point specific interaction flows and design concepts.

Business Value of Customer Journey Mapping

18 min TED like Talk | Categeory: UX | Target Audience: Business Analysts, Subject Matter Experts, Design Thinkers, Service Designers, Interaction Designers.

As Experience Design professionals we craft end-customers journeys. However, the tangible impact of an Experience journey is when it delivers the Business Outcomes. The framework we use for mapping the customer journeys has a key aspect of Business KPIs. The talk would cover how we have used the framework for various journey mapping exercises and what value was delivered through it. It would cover how Journey mapping exercise becomes one of the key activities of a Design Thinking led approach. Also, considering the various types of journeys from adoption focused to conversion centered, the talk would have examples from relevant case studies.

Three key takeaways

  • Customer Journey mapping is a business activity.

  • We need to correlate the Business KPIs with the XD KPIs for each of the journey phases.

  • Customer Journey mapping exercise is analogous with Design Thinking led approach