Jay Dutta

Sr Vice President of UX Design, MakeMyTrip,

Jay Dutta

Jay, abbreviated to JD, is a Design thinker, doer, evangelist and speaker. He has journeyed across multiple specialisations within Design, worked in multiple Geos, built teams, products and brands.

In his current role, JD leads the Experience Design Charter for a new, expanded MakeMyTrip Group. As an Advisor at the VC firm - SAIF Partners, he continues to mentor startups, helping them leverage on design as a competitive advantage. He is the AsiaPacific Lead for the non-Profit IxDa and the Founder/Curator of DesignUp Conference.

For over half a decade, he set the foundations and grew the UX practice at Adobe India - covering a diverse spectrum of Adobe products and digital platforms. JD has consistently built high-performance in-house and consulting design teams across enterprise, prosumer and consumer domains that have delivered time-critical multi-million dollar projects. And delighted users.

Redesigning, the Ship of Theseus way

18 min TED like Talk | Categeory: UX | Target Audience: For every Designer who dreams of redesign + Mid to Senior Practitioners, Sr Design Executives.

Designers love redesigning - restarting and recreating a brand new app or site. But that's not often easy - there's resistance from top management, push back or apathy from many stakeholders. How do we redesign/rethink and create a better product version for our users? Here are some learnings from multiple attempts.

Three key takeaways

  • Setting the agenda for Redesign

  • How do you convince senior management for Redesign?

  • Approaches to Redesigning?