Principal Designer at Foolproof,
Mario believes that people ignore design that ignores people. He is a creative who’s able to see what others are saying. A versatile, ambidextrous designer who can think strategically and execute tactically. Formerly as creative director at Frog currently as a Principal Designer at Foolproof, he discovers, designs and delivers experience design principles. He gives a voice to the end-user, meaning to the solution, and value to the design thinking.
How to Become a Better Product Storyteller
3 hrs Workshop | Categeory: UX | Target Audience: UX and UI designers, product managers and team leads. Researchers, interaction
designers, IA architect.
Client presentations, or feedback sessions with a working team, are essential for your
design work. If you don’t sell it, it will never exist.
Product and UX designer are people that need the ability to communicate through
great stories, since they are responsible to traverse the users throughout the product
journey. Therefore, storytelling is an important tool to have in your belt as a UX person,
regardless of your role.
Three key takeaways
Learn what makes a good user story.
Understand 5 key elements that make an irresistible user story.
Shift your approach from explaining a feature, to instil an idea or vision into a product story.
Design Now To Next
18 min TED like Talk | Categeory: ML & AI | Target Audience: Design community and leaders. Product managers to brand owners.
The tech-digit revolution is at full speed. Redefining brand, product and design
experiences. Flooded with ever-growing data aggregation, and now armed with AI
capabilities that soon may develop better versions of itself, by itself, what is next for
brands and designers? How do each evolve, and what role will they play?
Three key takeaways
What needs to change for brands to make use of data?
What new role is there for a designer, when AI could soon be doing it all better, faster, and cheaper?
What is the potential for AI, other than automation, and how do brand and designers tap into that?